Help a #MiracleChild with the #DonateaPhoto App

nicu baby children's miracle network

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Note: I’m participating in an influencer activation on behalf of Johnson & Johnson for acorn: an influence company. But I love this idea and would tell you about it anyway.

I don’t talk about it much because it was so long ago (almost five years!), but the girl was born six weeks early and spent the first week of her life in the NICU. I don’t think we were ever in danger of losing her — she was pretty healthy even though tiny — but since then I’ve had a place in my heart for the little babies and their parents who have to spend extra time at the hospital.

nicu baby children's miracle network
The girl — then known as Little Bit — the day she came home from the hospital.

Even though it’s been a long time, I still remember a lot of our experience. I remember sleeping on a couch in her hospital room, feeling so tired and stunned and yet ready to do anything I could for that little girl.

Husband went to work that week, so I spent days (and nights) alone with her, and I remember how much I loved the short times I would see him, even if I was a weepy, awful mess most of the time. That little bit of comfort meant so much.

When I think about NICU parents who have babies whose lives really are in danger, and there’s so much uncertainty and things you can’t control, a bit of comfort for them or their child probably goes a long way, too.

Even if that comfort is something as simple a baby blanket.

Help Babies with #DonateaPhoto

Right now the Donate a Photo app from Johnson & Johnson gives you the opportunity to help provide blankets to NICU babies at the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. This is a network of hospitals founded in 1983 that works hard to give money where it’s needed most to help the most children, whether that’s newborns, kids with cancer or children who’ve been in accidents or have other serious illnesses.

(Arkansas people, our network hospital is Arkansas Children’s Hospital, by the way.)

These hospitals do such good work and so much good work. They report that 62 children enter one of their hospitals every minute, and that one in ten children in North America will at some point be treated at one of the network’s hospitals.

Donate a Photo is a really simple tool that has the power to make a difference in people’s lives. All you have to do is download the free app to your phone (it’s in the App Store and on Google Play), select a cause that you want to support and take or share pictures with the app.

There are many different causes available at different times. I’m passionate about helping babies and I’d love it if you supported that cause, too, but right now there are also causes such as giving kids equipment to play soccer or helping protect children from bullying.

When you choose your cause you can share a photo a day, and when you do, Johnson & Johnson gives $1 to the cause you want to help. Each cause will receive a minimum donation and will appear in the app until its donation period ends or its goal is reached.

The baby blanket challenge runs through the end of August, and it takes 4 photo shares to provide a blanket, so individually you can do a lot of good by doing something (sharing photos) you’re probably already doing. The goal is to provide 12,500 blankets (which is 50,000 shared photos, so we’d better get snapping).

#donateaphoto and help a #miraclechild

In addition to posting your photos in the app gallery, you can share them on Facebook and Twitter to help spread the word and share your cause with friends.

And of course if some of your friends get involved, and they share with their friends and so on, think of all the good that can be done.

Another Way to Help

Of course the Donate a Photo app makes it completely easy to help kids, but if you’re looking for another way to help, pick up Johnson’s Baby, Aveeno Baby, Infants’ Tylenol and Infants’ Motrin at Walmart this month. A donation will be made to the Children’s Miracle Network based on sales of those items as well.

If you decide to take part (or if you’re using the app already) I’d love to hear about it!


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  1. What a great thing they are doing. My son was in NICU for 3 days and I understand that feeling you were talking about. Praise God that he is okay, now 13 years old and still leaving us tired!! ha/ha What a great post – I’m going to check out the Johnson & Johnson app now! 🙂

  2. I’ve never had a newborn in the NICU, but I have had a baby hospitalized before & the feeling is awful. This app sounds great, I’ll have to check into it a bit further on my phone.

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