Yarn-Wrapped Halloween Letters {Iron Craft}

yarn wrapped letters

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This week’s Iron Craft challenge continued the Halloween theme of the last one, this time asking participants to make something black.

I’ve been thinking about actually doing up my mantle in Halloween decor this year, and one of the things I wanted to do was some yarn-wrapped letters, so I figured now was the perfect time.

The hardest part about this project is winding your yarn balls small enough so they fit in the hole in the letter so you can easily wrap the yarn around.

I spelled “Boo,” and admittedly the B is a little tricky (it didn’t help that I was doing it in dim light while watching TV) but it’s more time consuming than actually difficult.

painted letters
My painted letters.

What You’ll Need

  • papier mache letters (I used B, O, O and got them at Jo-Ann)
  • black paint and paintbrush (optional)
  • black yarn (I used Lion Brand Homespun)
  • white glue

What You’ll Do

  1. If you want, paint the letters. I did this just so if there were any places where the yarn wasn’t perfect, you’d only see black. Allow to dry.
  2. Wind yarn into small balls so it can pass through the holes in the letters.

    yarn wrapping letters
    Wrapping the yarn. Don’t ask me how glitter got on there…
  3. Put a small amount of glue on the letter and begin to wind the yarn around. On the Os, I probably only glued in three or four spots. The B was trickier because you end up with triangular spots you can’t really wrap and have to just fold the yarn onto and glue down, so you’ll need more glue there.
  4. Keep going until the whole letter is covered.
  5. Lean against the wall on the mantle. Cue scary music.

    yarn wrapped letters
    The dusty oil lamp and candlestick are there all the time.

I think they came out really cute. I like the texture on the Homespun yarn; I think it makes it a little creepier.

How do you decorate the mantel for Halloween? I’d love to hear!

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  1. I agree the homespun is perfect for this type of project. I think it’s the texture of it that made me think these are knit.

  2. I have posted on my blog my love/hate relationship with glitter. Once loosed, they will fina a life of their own and infiltrate everything possible.

    Such a great project. Well done.

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